Friday, August 15, 2008

Need to go MIA for a few days

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to blog over the next few days. I have this insane deathly fear of ladders but over the past couple years I've overcome some of that fear. Well, my worst fears came true today when I fell off of a ladder at school...6 1/2 to 7 feet to be exact! I'm not quite sure if I lost my footing, or if the ladder actually gave way on me. And NO, I wasn't on the top of the ladder, which is a big no, no! I remember falling then I remember getting up and wondering where I was and what had just happened. I noticed blood running down my neck and all over my shirt, which totally freaked me out. I managed to gash my head wide open (in two places), and lost a lot of blood. Hubby came to the school to follow behind my luxury ride in an ambulance. AND... One CatScan, 2 chest X-rays, lots of blood work, 10 stitches and 3 hours later, I'm home with strict orders to "take it easy".


SylvieL said...

Oh no! I am very sorry. Please take it easy now so you can get better soon.


AWJ said...

Oh, God, how awful! Definitely take it easy, and I hope you're feeling better very soon.

Paisley The Jackabee said...

Oh dear, do take it easy & stay off those ladders.

Sherrie said...

Oh, that's dreadful! I hope that you're fine as kind very soon.

storybeader said...

Linda - rest up, and don't worry about us. It might be good to check what's going on with the sale only 10 times a day instead of 20! hehehe

Hope you'll be able to start school on time and all. xxoo {:-Deb

Unknown said...

Thanks guys! I'm slowly (by my standards) getting better. Puttered around and bottled some yummy fall lotions yesterday. Probably should have given myself another day or two before doing that, or at least limited myself to just one fragrance and that was it. Taking it easy today.

Erika said...

Take it easy! I do hope you get to feeling better soon. And don't worry about work!!

Mama Z said...

You poor thing! I hope you are feeling better fast!

Heather@Twin Birch said...

Gosh, that's awful! I hope you're all healed up really soon!