Monday, August 18, 2008

In Search of the Perfect Pumpkin

My head is feeling better, stitches are a pain to deal with but I'm surviving. What concerns me now is the multi colored elbow and persistent and growing intensity of pain in my right hip. I tried to get into the Dr. today but...well, you know how Dr. & Hospitals can be sometimes. I'm going to try first thing tomorrow and will stand in the ER if need be to get this looked at. They did a Cat Scan of my head and X-rays of my chest right after the accident, but didn't check my elbow or hip despite my complaints...such is life. It hurts my hip when I attempt to stand, sit, walk, or lay. Sitting and laying seems to be the least painful so long as my legs are elevated. Which means, I've had lots of time to crochet the past few days, and here is one of the fun projects. YIPPEEE!!! You can find this in my store.


storybeader said...

doesn't sound like a good situation for work. My DH used to cook (now he manages) in restaurants, and he was on his feet and running around all! the time.

Yes, get that looks at.
Anyways, it's a beautiful pumpkin!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! You did what??! I go missing for a few days and you go take a nasty tumble. :(

You are go crochet like a maniac with gashes in your head and sores all over. Me, I just laid in bed and read when I had to lie down for a day. :}

Keep pestering them to check your elbow and hip; it is not good when you hurt no matter what you do.


Paisley The Jackabee said...

DO get to the hospital for Xrays of that hip & elbow!!
I hope you heal up soon, sorry you're in so much pain.
Gentle hugs!

Erika said...

Well, I hope you were able to get in to get it checked out! I cannot stand the ER but they are there for times like this...

I do like the pumpkin. I think it has already sold!!:)

Unknown said...

Yes, it has already sold, but I listed his twin. I do have an appointment today. I think they could hear the pain in my voice when I called this morning. I might have become their worst nightmare face to face had they not given me what I asked...