Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again

I'm anxious to get my garden planted. This year we had a friend come in with his tractor to expand the garden to 3 times the size it was last year. In 20 minutes time the job was done ~ what would have taken me days/weeks to complete by hand. I resist planting too early up here in Vermont because we still have some frosty mornings.

Even though I use gloves when I garden, there are just some gardening chores I prefer to use my bare hands to take care of. That is where this handy dandy soap comes into play....
I have developed this soap for those who have a love for digging in the dirt. The ground luffa is added for exfoliation. The super-fatted soap is formulated to aid in bringing moisture back into those dry hands after gardening. Delicate lettuce and rain combines with soft spearmint and is presented to you in a luxurious experience for gardener's everywhere. This is sure to be a hit with your hands and your gardening friends. Stop on by my shop to get yours today!


Audrey said...

I had hoped to plant seeds in the garden yesterday, however it was snowing in the morning so it didn't get done. maybe next weekend.
Love the soap!! It's hard finding soap that gets the dirt off after digging in the garden.

Anonymous said...

Your soaps are always wonderful!