I take a deep breath and smell the salty air coming off the ocean through the open doorway as warm breezes kiss my skin. I quickly open my eyes to take in the views of the tropical oasis when reality sets in...I'm laying in my own bed, buried underneath a mountain of blankets to keep warm, hear my husband snoring next to me and the furnace clunking in the basement as a blast of warm air pours from the register. Sigh....It's that time of year when winter begins to wear on me and I dream of warmer climate. Most of the snow has stayed south, pushed further north, or missed us entirely...so far this winter. I'm not missing the snow all that much, but I sure am missing the warmer weather. I'm all for ditching the coats, scarves and gloves in favor of shorts and tank tops. This year I feel more cabin fever than I've felt in the years before, most likely because last summer we didn't have much of a summer to speak of. The yearning for warm tropical air is beckoning me. I hope the lack of snow means an early spring and nice warm (and long) summer. But until then, my tropical oasis will have to greet me in my dreams.
Amen sista.....bring on a good summer.
Ahh...the tropics...yes! Sign me up!
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