Today was a fun filled day of travel as we headed off to tour the Long Trail Brewing Company located in Bridgewater Corners, Vermont and sits along the banks of the Ottauquechee River.
Long Trail |
I was pleasantly surprised to notice first off that the size of the facility is much smaller than I had imagined. After taking a self-guided tour, we were treated to a VIP tour of the facility as my daughter works for this company. The VIP tour offered a more in depth explanation of the entire process from start to finish.
This company maximizes every square foot of their facility and everything is efficiently laid out. This facility is very unique in that they have taken great measures to minimize the impact on the environment around them.
Steam from the brewing process is condensed into hot water and the thermal energy is used to heat water for the next brewing cycle, saving thousands of
Where it all starts |
gallons of propane per month and also reducing their water consumption by 1/3. The spent grain and hops are fed to local dairy cattle as supplemental food. This company has been acknowledged by the state of Vermont with the "Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence in Resource Conservation".
This company truly gives back to the community. A story was told that when Hurricane Irene came to visit back in 2011, the facility was spared any damage to the inside, but the river had expanded up to their building and had spilled over into the parking lot. As they already are equipped for commercial dining and had the equipment, staffing, and facilities they became a shelter to those affected by the hurricane and offered clean clothes and meals to those who had
Fermenting Tank |
no home left, or severely damaged by the hurricane. There is only one place in that small town where a helicopter could land, and it just so happened to be right next to their building. The military was able to get in and out to bring food and supplies to the people who needed the assistance in that area.
Small company with a big heart in a small town in rural Vermont.