Saturday, February 23, 2013

Winter Vacation Soaping Extravaganza ~ Day One

We're off and running with our Winter Vacation Soaping Extravaganza!  We're testing out some techniques after drooling over the NUMEROUS You Tube videos so many other wonderful soapmakers graciously shared with the rest of the world.  Some videos were in languages I could not understand, but the universal language of soapmaking was all I needed for inspiration. 

Fresh from the soap room today (from left to right) Blackberry Sage, Champagne, and Green Irish Tweed.  A blog post is in order for each batch with closer views, the unmolded logs, and (drum roll) the reveal of what's inside after cutting them into bars. 

Brain cells are going haywire and on a major overload with soap project ideas so it is going to be a very busy week around here.  :)  Good thing a lye shipment arrived just in time (the supply was getting pathetically low), and more soaping goodies will be arriving from Brambleberry early next week! 

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